I'll be skinny

I'll be light as air

I'll get compliments

I feel like crap after eating

Because it's more attractive

I'll be taken more seriously

If I don't eat, I won't binge

Clothes will look better on me

Calories can't make me happy

I won't get sweaty on hot days

Vitamins will be rapidly absorbed

My stomach bulges out when I eat

Because eating makes me miserable

 I can run on sheer mind power alone

Self-starvation shows strong will power

People will talk about how skinny I am

I won't get anxious over what I've eaten

I'll be able to wear shorts without worrying

The floor won't creak or shake when I walk

My imperfect body reflects my imperfect soul

I'll be cool (temperature) in the summertime

It's harder to work out with food in my stomach

My skin will be taut and toned (no stretch marks!)

It proves I'm not addicted to food like everyone is

The longer I fast, the easier it is to continue with it

Skinny is strong. Fat is not. It's my call which I want to be

I won't have to wear baggy clothes every day to cover that fat

Working out won't be such an extremely stressful part of my day

Because "You look healthy now" really means "My God you're so fat!"

Because it feels great to walk into a store and be able to try on anything

Getting skinny will make all my dreams come true. Life will be so much better